Hug A Millennial

Americans make the problem in order to put boots into the problem. -Bono just told Americans to vote for the problem, whilst posting bleeding heart panaceas calling on Americans to take in the refugees produced by the problem -purely in order to displace Millennials’ conscience on the matter, abnegating it with their vote. Hug a Millennial, throw the vote. -U2′s not American, but Bono’s been in the pocket of the biggest billionaire donors to the Democratic party all along (that would be Warren Buffett and Bill Gates). Not to mention the deliberate displacement of conscience has just had a repeat performance in order to gull millennials into voting for policy status quo in Africa. When it comes to Africa, there’s a subtext. -What you are likely unaware of is the Gates Foundation’s campaign to industrialize and "green revolution" all of African agriculture, opening Africa up to the five biggest agricultural corporations on the planet (American ones). A campaign Bono officially endorsed (called AGRA). (The Gates Foundation provides up to 50% of the money for ONE (year depending), is a major contributor to RED (was 50% in 2015). Warren Buffett in turn provides over half the funding for the Gates Foundation.) If Bono posts a bleeding heart, look for subtext, because he’s probably feeding you to the exact opposite, i.e., the excuse for American boots on the ground (they’re there already). -And if you want some serious info on what Bono’s billionaire funders are up to in Africa -scroll to the bottom of this article and hit the relevant question. -Bono was speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative just before he did Charlie Rose one week ago.



'This Parrot Is No More': The 2016 Election Did Not Take Place - Juan Cole -It did not take place because it has played out almost purely in terms of identity politics, because any examination of policy status quo had to be evacuated; because it's literally too bad to pass scrutiny (foreign policy most of all). U2 just put the Reality TV cherry on top. The funny part? -Liberals are more oblivious to their manipulation via identity politics. The (top-ranked) Democrat voter comments to U2's performance art telling them how to vote more or less prove it. The ultimate irony? It's everything U2 were f***ing warning you about with ZOOTV.  #hypernormalization via #socialmedia

How the mainstream media became a neo-Stalinist propaganda regime for wealthy neocons/libs - Media Reform Coalition -Neocons and neoliberals have colluded very narrowly on policy in the West for more than 25 years (she's one of them, which puts her at odds with 40% of the Democratic voting base) 

Hacked Audio Reveals Hillary Clinton Sees Herself Occupying “Center-Left to Center-Right” - The Intercept -this is the definition of neoliberal.

"Americans don't know about many of the most consequential actions taken by their government because those actions have full bipartisan support and are thus never discussed." -Glenn Greenwald

In short, if Bono posts you a bleeding heart humanitarian video on Syrian refugees (or Africa), start checking for the very opposite, as he’s already bought and paid for. If U2 tries to tell you how to vote (by feminizing and attempting to Deify the 'idea' of America (when he's telling you to vote for policy implementations that make Her the Babylon Whore)), laugh. Even his choice of ‘Desire’ to dump Trump on the iheart U2 Vegas broadcast implies he knows exactly what Hillary really is, sleight of hand and being played. Priceless. If he gets 'Woman of the Year' for #povertyissexist for accepting this funding, scream before you shred it.

"One thing we have found is that the military in the US are more awake to the importance of development in Africa than most other government departments." - Bono -which has more to do with strategic competition with China and Russia.

The United States and NATO Are Preparing for a Major War With Russia - The Nation

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